
Patrick van der Burght

Cialdini Certified Coach
Founding Member of the Cialdini Institute

Servicing Australia & the Australasian Region

Patrick is not Dr Cialdini himself, but with his experience teaching ethical persuasion, you are in valued and capable hands. Patrick finds it painful to see sales professionals and businesses waste their time and resources, using pitches and language that is predictably ineffective, considering what is known about the science of human behaviour. This is what drives him to help you and your team achieve the successes that were always yours to have.

24 Years experience teaching Influence
Fully inline with Dr Cialdini’s teaching
Average Student Review Score 5 STARS

Patrick is a valued coach of the Cialdini Institute.


Patrick van der Burght, Cialdini Certified Coach and Author of 'How to Hear YES More Often' writes about harnessing the power of influence and ethical persuasion


Implementing the principles last week, I was able to double the size of one order and triple the size of another, AND I’m not in sales! I’m only the credit manager : )

Billy Staake


This was a truly eye-opening learning experience, soooo cool to know how to be more influential in my business without dirty tricks or strategies and Patric makes learning such a fun and light process.

Michal Gnilka

Celebrity Chef


Implementing the principles last week, I was able to double the size of one order and triple the size of another, AND I’m not in sales! I’m only the credit manager : )

Billy Staake


This was a truly eye-opening learning experience, soooo cool to know how to be more influential in my business without dirty tricks or strategies and Patric makes learning such a fun and light process.

Michal Gnilka

Celebrity Chef

About the Author

Patrick van der Burght

Patrick van der Burght is not Dr Cialdini himself but has been teaching Dr Cialdini’s Principles of Persuasion to individuals and teams for over 20 years and is an active, capable and licenced Cialdini Certified Coach.

Patrick has a business and sales background in various industries, including real estate, aviation, high-end retail, wholesale and health. He enjoys training sales teams to master and apply Ethical Persuasion theories and helping them realise the successes that were always theirs to have by engaging the science of human decision-making and Influence.

Patrick, who is based in Australia, developed a passion and unwavering conviction for the ethical approach to persuasion in 2000 after he discovered the science explained by Dr. Cialdini. He was a sales representative at the time. He was happy with his role but frustrated by the lack of growth and success relative to his efforts.

Patrick’s understanding and implementation of persuasion theory were guided by a coach who was training him to be a business consultant. Using the principles, he quickly achieved significant success. From then on, using and teaching sales professionals about persuasion became a passion.

As a valued Cialdini Certified Coach, he enjoys speaking and teaching on Ethical Persuasion and seeing his students progress from understanding to mastering Influence.

One of Patrick’s projects is to educate young adults about persuasion as an important life skill so they can benefit from it their entire lives, be better leaders and make the world a better place.

In his free time, Patrick enjoys riding his Harley, Scuba Diving and flying small aircraft. He is happily married and loves spending time with his daughter.

Patrick van der Burght services the Australasian region and beyond. He is available for consultations, speaking, training, workshops and coaching.

Through Patrick’s other business, he is also an internationally featured and published authority on creating healthier homes and has assisted ordinary families, corporate high-flyers and royalty in this field.

Patrick van der Burght, Cialdini Certified Coach and Author of 'How to Hear YES More Often' writes about harnessing the power of influence and ethical persuasion
Cialdini Certified Coach and Cialdini Certified Professional Badges from the Cialdini Institute

A Personal Message

I’m excited you’re here investigating the heritage of this book and trying to find out a bit more about me.

I have a deep respect for business owners, company directors and business professionals. How you position yourself and communicate makes or breaks your future. This is why it is painful for me, to see people invest and risk so much by going at business without the science that is available to be significantly more effective in their communication.

Knowing the power of Ethical Persuasion, I know much is being missed out on when failing to use it.

I’d be delighted to work with you and your team to build your organisation’s scientifically charged persuasion culture.

Patrick van der Burght


Dr Cialdini, author of INFLUENCE about Patrick van der Burght

Dr Cialdini’s book ‘Influence – The Psychology of Persuasion’ is a New York Times Bestseller and has sold 7 million copies in 48 languages. Top CEOs voted it to be the best business book of all time (Ways to Wealth), and it should definitely be in your library. Some coaches do an 8-week book review of ‘INFLUENCE’ to get a lot more out of it.

My favourite  Research

There is so much powerful research that ethical persuasion is based on. Each author of ‘How to Hear YES More Often‘ has their favourites. We’d like to share with you just one that we find inspiring.

Carloads of Beef Purchased Standard Sales Appeal

carloads of beef purchased Standard + Scarcity Appeal

Carloads of beefs purchased Scarcity + Exclusive info

One of my favourite research stories:
Scarce Australian Beef

The effect of mentioning to our audience that there is natural scarcity in the situation, which they should be considering, is often not consistently used by people in sales. A study involving Australian Beef highlighted the potential.

A student of Dr Cialdini wanted to use his own company, which sold carloads of Australian Beef into the United States for a test. They had received exclusive information that due to weather conditions in Australia, there was likely going to be a shortage of Australian beef in the near future.

One third of their clients were called and given the normal sale speel, that they had an alotment of beef of a certain quality, and they asked how many train car loads of beef they wanted to order. This produced the baseline order quantity.

The second group was given the standard sales speech, but were also told about the pending shortage of Australian Beef. This doubled the amount ordered, which was a little predictable. 

The third group got all this information, but they were also told that this information had come from theri exclusive sources at the Australian national weather service, and that no-one else had this information yet. In this group of clients, six times as much beef was bought.

Not only was the beef scarce in this scenario, but also, the information was scarce. 🙂

Similar situations had happened in the past, but the company, not knowing it could produce a six-fold increase in sales, had never thought to use it in their pitch to clients.

I wonder how many powerful facts like this are in your influence situations that your sales team is failing to use?

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7-minute newsletter

Ready to Persuade?

STOP going at business without the science available to you

Would you hope that a pilot knows the science of how a plane stays in the air or how to recover it from a spin? Would a chemist do good work if they didn’t know the science of their profession?

In business, someone might say we’re in the ‘people business’. I would say you are in the ‘Convincing People Business’ and improving your conversion rate is fastest way to grow your business. Yet, too many people in sales and business don’t realise the science of human decision-making is available to them.

Patrick van der Burght, Cialdini Certified Coach and Author of 'How to Hear YES More Often' likes to fly small aircraft in his spare time

Let me scientifically charge your sales efforts

Whether you are a team leader frustrated with your conversion rate or a sales professional who would like to improve or fortify your position in the company, scientifically charging your persuasion efforts will greatly enhance your effectiveness.

Let us work to develop your and your team’s ability to apply Dr Cialdini’s highly effective Ethical Persuasion practices. If you like, book a strategy call with me, and we can see if we’re a good match and discuss the best way forward for you.


Influence Certification Courses with Coaching

The best way to master not just the theory but the application skills of influence. For individuals or teams in the hundreds, this certification training combines video training by Dr Cialdini with 8 weeks of 1 hour group coaching sessions with your Cialdini Certified Coach Patrick van der Burght.


Patrick is available to speak to your team or audience about Ethical Persuasion. Delivering an eye-opening insight in the entertaining world of Persuasion Science.


You can join a half-day workshop online, or we can organise a private half- or full-day workshop in your company.

It is an exciting, informative learning experience to get a full download on Ethical Persuasion theory and practical application examples.

Influence Business Audit

Instead of, or in addition to learning, you may wish to get the expert opinion of a Cialdini Certified Coach on the influence challenges you face in your business.

Through careful observation and under-standing of your business practices, Patrick will be able to give you recommendations on what he would change if he were you.

Consultant on Retainer

You can have a Cialdini Certified Coach on retainer! For a small monthly fee you’re able to submit a number of influence challenges to your coach for recommendations. 

Book Reviews

Reading Dr Cialdini’s book INFLUENCE or PRE-SUASION becomes a much better investment of your time when it is combined with 8 weekly group calls to discuss the content and meaning. Research shows that 90% of new information that is not used is lost in a week. A Book Review is an economical way to ensure you will learn much more and have an opportunity to ask a Cialdini Certified Coach your questions.

Lunch & Learn Events

You can motivate and engage your team with a series of presentations on the amazing and entertaining science of human decision-making and ethical persuasion. You organise some food or nibbles, and we’ll bring the jaw-dropping information.

School Presentions

Persuasion is often ranked as a TOP 5 in-demand soft skill for well-paying jobs. It also helps us to achieve our goals much more efficiently, works privately as well as professionally, and as it is most effective when used ethically, it also makes the world a better place.

These are all the reasons Patrick is happy to donate his time to schools and universities to educate young adults on this topic.

FREE learning

Are you not ready to commit to proper training just yet? Why not start your education a little with the FREE tools Patrick offers on his website?

A freely downloadable PDF on persuasion (no email required), a 7-day persuasion email challenge, a 7-minute Newsletter, or a free 90-minute video course!

It is there for you to engage with.

Get in Touch with Patrick’s Team

Patrick van der Burght, Cialdini Certified Coach and Author of 'How to Hear YES More Often' writes about harnessing the power of influence and ethical persuasion